Der Insider
- Bluecard 2.0: Neue Einschränkungen im Göcek-Dalaman Revier

Auf der nur in Türkisch abgefassten Webseite der NGO (non governmental organization) Suekos ist das Neueste zum Thema Umweltschutz zu lesen. Wir übernehmen die englische Zusammenfassung von cruisingtips.net/mbc als Nachricht ohne Kommentar und werden weiter berichten, wenn wir mehr wissen:

Suekos ist eine “Association for conservation of aquatic ecosystems". In der Suekos-Broschüre heißt es, von Vanessa SY Kilcreggan zusammengefasst:

Dear our Guests, now you are in Fethiye-Göcek Special environment Protection area which produces ecological significance and thus was designated by Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanization due to arising risks of ecological deterioration and extinction'. . . In brief the rest of the leaflet says 'You are allowed to stay in the Göcek-Dalaman bays if you “strictly follow” the rules.

Ships are not allowed to tie other than at coastal facilities and waterfront piers and buoys. The ships are also not allowed to anchor other than the areas specified by the Harbour Master which are detailed in application of Procedures and Principles. Mooring the ships to trees is prohibited.

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Mooring is only possible in areas where piers, docks and buoys and bollards exist. In areas where buoys do not exist, anchoring is allowed as long as ships are also tied to the piers as coastal facilities.

Suekos is the non-profit / non governmental organization officially assigned (by MUCEV) to be the service provider as of 01/07/14 to protect biodiversity and environmental assets, prevent pollution, improve the system of piers and buoys, and serve mooring and solid waste/wastewater collection facilities for the ships.

In order to do this all ships using the system of piers and buoys will be subject to a daily pricing scheme as of 18.07.2014. (Quelle cruisingtips.net/mbc).

Wer Erfahrungen mit dieser neuen Regel gemacht hat wird gebeten diese als Kommentar auf die Seite hier zu stellen.
